Sales during this time of year are usually limited to winter items...gloves, sweaters, you name it. Don't get me wrong- it's awesome! Especially when you get to buy that $90 sweater for more than half the price. With that said, you can probably guess how stoked I was to find Revolve's sale page had dresses, bikinis and sets for summer. Score!!
In case you're new to Revolve-the website is well known for their wide range of designer brands, with many celebrity customers. I won't lie...a lot of their items are pretty pricey, but we ARE talking about designer items.
So when I say these items are worth checking out, I really mean it. The only downside is when sales are this good...people are quick to buy. Hoping you all get something in your size before it's gone!!
Fingers crossed and good luck!!
Last but NEVER least....I received a lot of followers for my blog posts these past two weeks. Thank you to all of you who subscribed, it means a ton to me! This blog started out (and continues to be) a hobby for me...and your support is greatly appreciated!! In that light...with the warmer weather coming up...outfit posts are on the horizon so stay tuned ;)
xx Dayna
xx Dayna